Immersive Experience Design

Big Tech Company is a satirical website I created in Feb 2023 based on experiences and observations from over a decade of working in and following the tech industry. My goal with this project is to point out the excesses, tropes, and negative externalities that many, but not all, venture-backed startups and large tech companies are guilty of. I'm not a pessimist, though. Any company has the ability to start treating its users and employees with respect.

I am a product/growth marketer, certified privacy professional, and AI ethics trainee. I also have eight years of experience designing immersive experiences for consumption online and at large-scale events.

If you work for a company that wants to hire an ethical marketer for full-stack product/growth marketing or to develop your privacy program or AI product policies, please reach out. My email is [email protected].

My previous art includes:

  1. A big tech singularity experience, where users see fake ads in VR after uploading their consciousness to the cloud (2016)
  2. A self-help book for overcoming one's addiction to self-help books (2016)
  3. A dark humored women's sex & beauty magazine parodying Cosmopolitan (2016)
  4. A satirical big tech political lobby experience (2017)
  5. A sales magazine and multi-level marketing 'alternate reality game' centered on stealing toilet paper (2017)
  6. A mermaid shibari show in which merpeople get tied up in plastic six-pack rings (2018)
  7. An AI-inspired chatbot that becomes good or evil based on user interaction until it goes completely off the rails (2018)
  8. A subterranean museum about the history of water (2021)
  9. A radiation measurement lab that tests saliva (2022)
  10. A 'Game of Life' experience in the afterlife (2022)
  11. A D.A.R.E.-inspired satirical workshop with even more hysticalical copaganda called N.A.R.C. (2022)
  12. A three-act musical about a boy band desperate for a #1 hit, satirizing the 'Live Aid' charity concert (2022)
  13. A post-apocalyptic dating game show, presenting romance in a world ravaged by radiation and climate change (2023)
  14. A second chapter of the boy band musical, addressing substance abuse and weaponization of copyright laws in the music industry (2023)
  15. An upcoming final chapter of the boy band musical
Big Tech Corp Terms of Simulation

Becoming Self-Helpless: Ending Your Addiction to Self-Help Books

Tupperwear Magazine

TupperLife Magazine
SPITTLE Radiation Testing Lab

NARC Workshop - Links to Song

Boyz iI Them Poster - Link to YouTube videos

Boyz iI Them 2 Poster - Link to YouTube videos

Blog Posts


Alec Foster's Interview on The Original Source Podcast by Copyleaks

Alec Foster


Lessons from Willy's Chocolate Catastrophe: Navigating AI's Role in Art and Labor

Alec Foster


Racing Towards AI Supremacy: Balancing Open Innovation with Ethical Responsibility

Alec Foster

Show more

Alec Foster

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 License.

Alec Foster

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 License.